今日のディベートは昨夜のディベートと違って最初から司会者(Moderater)ーDavid Gregoryの大変鋭い質問が飛び出し緊張感にあふれたものになりました。
DAVID GREGORY: Speaker Gingrich, why shouldn't Governor Romney be the nominee of this party? What about his record concerns you most or makes him-- disqualified to be the nominee?
NEWT GINGRICH: Look, I-- I think what Republicans have to ask is who's most likely in the long run-- to survive against the kind of billion dollar campaign the Obama team is gonna run. And I think that a bold Reagan conservative with a very strong economic plan is a lot more likely to succeed in that campaign than a relatively timid Massachusetts moderate who even The Wall Street Journal said had an economy plan so timid it resembled Obama.
So I think you've gotta look at, you know, Massachusetts was fourth from the bottom in job creation under Governor Romney. I-- we created 11 million jobs while I was Speaker and I worked with governor-- with President Reagan in the entire recover of the 1980s. That is they-- there's a huge difference between a Reagan conservative and somebody who comes out of the Massachusetts culture with an essentially moderate record who I think will have a very hard time in a debate with president.
DAVID GREGORY: Speaker Gingrich, bottom line, you believe that Governor Romney is unelectable?
NEWT GINGRICH: Well, I don't believe he's unelectable but I think he has a much-- I-- look, against Obama's record, I think , you know, the fact is President Obama's gonna have a very hard reelection effort. But I do think the bigger the contrast, the bolder ideas, the clearer the choice, the harder it is for that billion dollar campaign to smear his way back into office.
SantorumもRomneyが中途半端な保守派で共和党の候補としては資格がないと激しく攻撃していました。 これは昨夜からの変わらぬ流れですが今日は各候補の攻撃がRomneyに集中しRomneyは防戦に精一杯でした。
司会者のD. Gregoryは明らかにトップランナーのRomneyをチェックするような全体の流れをつくりあげていました。 プロレスではありませんがトップランナーはいつもリング内外で叩かれ引き摺り下ろされる運命にあります。 だから面白いのです。